Notice is hereby given of the UK Weighing Federation Regional meeting to be held on:

THURSDAY, 22nd April 2010


St Williams College,

5 College Street,


North Yorkshire,


Registration and Coffee: 2:30pm

Meeting Commencing at 3:00pm


A copy of the Agenda and directions to the venue are enclosed.


Following the Technical Officer’s Update, a representative from the Local Better Regulation Office (LBRO) will discuss their remit and the potential impact on local enforcement, and finally we will have a presentation on Priority Management from a leading expert. 


The Open Forum is once again your chance to meet with other members.  If you wish to join us, the Federation has organised a three course meal with wine in the evening costing £45 per person including VAT.  Hotel accommodation is £79 per night including VAT. We do hope you will be able to join us and if you can attend please complete the booking form and return as soon as possible.



Denise McGregor

Secretary to the UKWF

UK Weighing Federation

Federation House, 10 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6LT

Tel: 0121 237 1130

Fax: 0121 237 1133


Registered in England & Wales No:4127538