25th May 2021

We hope the event will be inspiring and also reassuring that there are things you can do with relatively low expense which will provide quick returns. The details of the event are below and you can reserve your free place here.
The benefits of digital initiatives for lab, test and measurement companies
This webinar has been specifically designed for the senior management of SMEs in GAMBICA’s lab and test and measurement sectors. It will provide an overview of why taking steps to digitalise your business is essential and will detail the benefits you can expect to achieve. It will explain how you can identify suitable projects which will yield a real return on investment and will offer case studies which are not only inspirational, but are fully costed, giving you the chance to evaluate which might be applicable to your own operations.
10.30 – 10.35 Welcome – Ken MacLachlan
10.35 – 10.55 Digitalisation without the fluff – Steve Brambley
Steve Brambley, CE of GAMBICA will set out why digitalisation is important, what it can yield for your company and will look at some of the macro factors which make engaging with these new technologies essential.
10.55 – 11.15 Shortcuts to inspiration
This presentation will explain how you can identify any sub-optimal aspects of your operations by use of simple monitoring. He will set out the costs of these initial inquiries and how they can be achieved without impacting on your day-to-day operations. Examples will be provided to illustrate how to understand what your new data is telling you.
11.15 – 11.30 One sensor – 15% savings – Motortronics
In the first case study of the morning, Steven Atkey will show delegates how a sensor/soft starter installed at New Form Tools/ Blanchard Grinders not only prevented unplanned downtime, it reduced energy consumption by up to 15%- This case study demonstrates how low-cost interventions can save you time and money.
11.30 – 11.50 Digitalisation for your products
This case study will feature machine monitoring which allows you to remotely commission, monitor and maintain your equipment. The value of such systems has been amply proven during lockdown and this case study will not only set out how such systems can be incorporated in your products and give you an idea of the likely costs of installing them, but will explain how you can handle the data you get back without needing additional staff or data analysis services.
11.50 – 12 10 Automation to reduce chemical use
Automation projects have been instrumental in reducing use of energy, water, raw materials and plastic and can form an important part of your journey to net zero. This case study will explain how certain sensors, integrated using the right PLC, allowed a train track to be kept free of weeds while eliminating the use of glyphosate.
12.10 – 12.30 Questions and discussion
12.30 Close
reserve your free place here.